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Presentation of the four teams :

Presentation Of LISST-CAS

The Center for Social Anthropology (CAS) is a research team of Comparative Anthropology that unites researchers working in different areas of the world (Asia, Europe, and the Americas). The Center comprises 23 permanent members (researchers, professor-researchers, research engineers), as well as about a dozen associated members and about fifty PhD students. The Center’s research, in social anthropology as well as in historical anthropology, concerns varied domains such as gender studies, kinship, religion and religious phenomena, memory and heritage.

CAS members participate in the Social and Historical Anthropology Program jointly managed by the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) and Toulouse Le Mirail University (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD - Click here : [lien]) through their teaching, seminars and research clusters (click here to view research clusters’ seminars and work [lien]). “Les Anthropologiques”, a university series created in 2004 by the CAS and the Presses Universitaires du Mirail, publishes anthropological research in French
Founded in 1979, upon the establishment of the Toulouse branch of the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, the CAS has since 2007 become part of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory Solidarities, Societies, and Territories (LISST) that unites anthropologists, sociologists, and geographers. CAS members are from different research and teaching institutions: School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), Toulouse Le Mirail University (UTM, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and French School of Asian Studies (EFEO)

Presentation of LISST-CERS

The CERS is a  team of fundamental sociology of the LISST. Beyond all the projects and the activities in which the sociologists of the team are committed beside their colleagues of the laboratory (see the axes of the LISST), the CERS makes a specific work of sociology which bases itself on theoretical and epistemological choices: a sociology worried of avoiding all the forms of social naturalization of the world, attentive to the plurality of the logics of action(share), and capable of mobilizing in a coherent way different theoretical currents but made partially compatible by their insertion in a more general epistemological frame(executive) based on the joint(articulation) of the scales of analysis.

Presentation of LISST CIEU

The CIEU works on the transformations of cities, under the influence of a traffic(circulation) more and more globalized by the models, the standards and the forms of organization of the urban companies(societies). His(her) researchers explore diversified grounds, going spaces of closeness to those of more distant geographical areas.

Among the main themes of search(research), we can quote the housing environment, the reports(relationships) between economy and urban spaces, the long-lasting(sustainable) city and the urban climate. The CIEU pays a particular attention on the politics(policies) which act on the city, contribute to modify both its social and public-spirited functioning and its economic structures.

The works of the team concern not only Toulouse and the cities of Midi-Pyrénées but also on European cities (Berlin, Bristol

Presentation of LISST DR (Dynamiques rurales)

Dynamiques rurales (rural dynamics) is a multidisciplinary team which consists of researchers and teachers-researchers distributed in 4 disciplines: geography, sociology, economy and management.

Our team federates around same one paradigm, the countryman, as reason practises and tool heuristics, which it approaches according to plural objects, rural life(ruralities), as constructed territories endowed with specific attributes.

Its scientific positioning comes around questionings on the renewal of the conception of rural life to understand how new dynamics and new structuring restore sense(direction) in the attributes of the rural life(rurality) by placing them in new or original combinations(overalls) to answer the challenges:

Of the globalization, the solidarity and the transmission