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- [halshs-04763247] Data-Campaigning on Facebook: Do Metrics of User Engagement Drive French Political Parties’ Publications?1 novembre 2024Research on data-driven campaigning has mostly focused on the strategies of central campaign teams. However, there is a lack of evidence explaining how parties and supporters use data-driven campaigning techniques to organise their social media campaigning. Do user engagement metrics influence the choice of campaign themes by encouraging political parties to concentrate their communication on issues that are most liked, commented on, and shared? Our study focuses on the use of Facebook by French political parties and their supporters during the 2022 presidential election campaign. We conducted a supervised content analysis based on machine learning to examine their Facebook posts (<em>n</em> = 17,060). Our results show that the issues prioritized by parties on Facebook may be different from those that are most prominent in their broader communications. In most cases, however, these themes are not chosen based on user engagement, even for parties that claim to have developed their base through digital channels. Instead, the choice of themes seems influenced by more traditional campaign strategies, such as the desire to capture the electorate of their closest rival. In our conclusion, we discuss the implications of these findings for the adoption of data-driven campaigning in digital election communication across Europe.
- [halshs-04764404] Facebook lors des campagnes électorales : Les métriques d'engagement des utilisateurs orientent-elles les publications des partis politiques français ?4 novembre 2024Research on data-driven campaigning has mostly focused on the strategies of central campaign teams. However, there is a lack of evidence explaining how parties and supporters use data-driven campaigning techniques to organise their social media campaigning. Do user engagement metrics influence the choice of campaign themes by encouraging political parties to concentrate their communication on issues that are most liked, commented on, and shared? Our study focuses on the use of Facebook by French political parties and their supporters during the 2022 presidential election campaign. We conducted a supervised content analysis based on machine learning to examine their Facebook posts (<em>n</em> = 17,060). Our results show that the issues prioritized by parties on Facebook may be different from those that are most prominent in their broader communications. In most cases, however, these themes are not chosen based on user engagement, even for parties that claim to have developed their base through digital channels. Instead, the choice of themes seems influenced by more traditional campaign strategies, such as the desire to capture the electorate of their closest rival. In our conclusion, we discuss the implications of these findings for the adoption of data-driven campaigning in digital election communication across Europe.
- [hal-04746303] Concilier les contraires21 octobre 2024Cette intervention visera non seulement à comprendre comment la société française régule-t-elle l’équilibre entre autonomie des femmes et vie anténatale, mais aussi à interroger les discours anti-avortement. Il apparaît que ce qui est en jeu dans les débats autour de l’avortement est bien la difficulté à définir clairement le statut de l’être avant la naissance. Après avoir analysé la façon dont les discours anti-avortement brouillent volontairement les catégories entre humain et personne, je m’attacherai à montrer que cette apparente contraction est inscrite dans le statut même de l’être avant la naissance. Celui-ci est tiraillé entre la chose et la personne sans jamais être totalement rattaché à l’un ou à l’autre.
- [hal-04738851] PREMIERES JOURNEES INTERSCIENCES DE TOULOUSE 16 et 17 novembre 2023 : Compte-rendu et réflexions17 octobre 2024Relever les défis actuels, qu’ils soient climatiques, sanitaires, énergétiques, numériques ou encore alimentaires, nécessite de mobiliser tous les champs de la connaissance. La complexité des problèmes auxquels nous sommes confrontés se prête mal à l’expertise mono-disciplinaire : c’est seulement par le développement d’une approche plus globale et intégrée, nommée « intersciences », que des réflexions et solutions innovantes pourront émerger. Pour s'y préparer, de nouveaux instruments sont à inventer au carrefour de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et des enjeux sociétaux. Ces premières Journées Intersciences de Toulouse (JIT 2023) ont consisté en une articulation entre des conférences de référence et des tables rondes regroupant des spécialistes de la pratique de l’intersciences en termes de recherche, enseignement et fabrique des métiers de demain.
- [hal-04782925] Capture et valorisation du CO 2 issu de biogaz de méthanisation par réaction avec des cendres de biomasse14 novembre 2024This study combines chemistry, agronomy, process engineering, and geography to develop an innovative approach for capturing and valorizing bioCO2 emitted during the methanization process, using biomass ashes. The project aims to create a collaborative network between farmers and the wood industry. In agronomy, the objective is to characterize the fertilizing and soil-amending qualities of carbonated ashes, ensuring that they can be used as high-value fertilizers in agricultural fields. Funded by INSA Toulouse through a doctoral grant on societal issues, this study is based in the Occitanie region. It focuses on the carbonation process of biomass ashes, by-products of wood heating plants, through the reaction between metal oxides in the ashes and bioCO2.